Event: Reading for Reading’s Sake
This Easter Islington Mill will be rejoicing in words as it hosts Reading for reading’s sake, a four day event aimed at interrogating reading as a practice. Unlike a regular reading group, Reading for reading’s sake aims to explore the activity of reading, the situations in which we read, reading as a shared event, a private passion, concentration, interpretation, sound and voice, the symbolic and emotional value of the act.
The project was initiated last year by Maurice Carlin, Megan Wakefield and Helen Kaplinsky, motivated by a shared fascination with reading as an activity. The first event took place at Bristol’s Spike Island during January 2010.
NB There is a limited number of places for the daytime and early evening events. Please get in touch if you’d like to take part or would like some more information and we’ll reserve you a place.
What: Reading for reading’s sake
Where: Islington Mill, James St Salford M3 5HW
When: Thu 8 – Sun 11 Apr 2010
Associated Events: Opening Event Thu 8 Apr 2010, 6-9pm
Further Details:
-Visit the Islington Mill website
Contact: deaddigital@islingtonmill.com
Map: View events on the map here
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