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The Peculiar Pop-Up Story Shop!

Written by The Reader, 20th July 2012

From the 23rd-27th July, The Reader Organisation are transforming a disused shop in Seacombe into The Peculiar Pop-Up Story Shop!

With funding from Wirral Borough Council’s Empty Shops Fund, we're going to dazzle twenty lucky children from the Seacombe area with drama workshops, a visit from the herpetological society with their snakes, lizards and creepy crawlies, a cooking day to promote healthy eating, and creative workshops, all underpinned with stories and games.

Our brand new anthology especially for children, A Little, Aloud for Children will be at the heart of all the activities, and visitors include the Wirral Library Service, Community NHS Team, artists, story-makers and crafty cooks. The empty shop will become a Creativity Camp and Imagination Station, creating a positive space in one of the most deprived areas of the country.

Local schoolchildren have been creating artwork to decorate the shop, whilst learning disabled adults at Heswall Day Centre have been commissioned to make cushions, bunting and toys for the event, and Get Into Reading group members have created props for the shop, including a wooden puppet theatre.

A free healthy lunch will be provided every day for those attending, and children who attend all five days will be entered into a draw to win a special prize.Angela Macmillan, editor of A Little, Aloud for Children, will be reading aloud from the book on the first day. She says:

“The Reader Organisation wants everyone to join the Reading Revolution and share the experience of reading for pleasure.  I’m thrilled to be able to join the children at The Peculiar Pop-Up Story Shop with stories and poems to fire the imagination.”

The pop-up shop is fully booked, but Seacombe children aged 8-11 can join the waiting list for cancellations. Please call 0151 650 6466.

Super story-making with fantastic feasts, curious creatures, and a hint of drama-rama . . . what better way to spend a week?!

1 thoughts on “The Peculiar Pop-Up Story Shop!

[…] Twenty lucky children have been spending the first week of their summer holidays at The Peculiar Pop-Up Story Shop! […]

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