The Pop-Up fun continues!
Did you see the story about The Peculiar Pop-Up Story Shop in the Wirral News this week, and wish you'd been able to come and join in the fun?
Well, fear not, because we've got not one but two ways for you to keep 'popping'!
This Friday 10th August at 12pm, three of our Project Workers will be reading stories and poems from A Little, Aloud for Children on the pop-up Summer of Love Liverpool Bandstand in Williamson Square. The event is free to all, and it should be a lovely day, so why not come along with your family and friends to enjoy some funny stories in the sunshine?
Don't worry if you can't make it to Liverpool though - watching this video of The Peculiar Pop-Up Story Shop's best bits will certainly have you laughing, and maybe even spark an idea for some stories and games of your own!
WARNING: if you don't like snakes or tarantulas, look away now!
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