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The Reader Organisation’s Conference 2013

Written by Lizzie Cain, 20th February 2013

The Reader Organisation's Conference 2013: Shared Reading for Healthy Communities
Thursday 16th May 2013, British Library Conference Centre, Euston Road, London

Save the date! The Reader Organisation's fourth annual National Conference will take place on Thursday 16th May 2013 at the British Library Conference Centre  in London.

  • One in four British adults will experience mental health problems in any one year
  • 75% of adult prisoners have a dual diagnosis (mental health problems combined with alcohol or drug misuse)
  • 29% of households consist of a single person living alone
  • Levels of dementia are predicted to increase by 62% in the next 20 years
  • One in four children are practically illiterate upon leaving primary school
  • Over 60% of young people who offend have communication difficulties

In order to address the increased need for social inclusion, meaningful activity, and better health, The Reader Organisation’s pioneering shared reading project, Get Into Reading, has a proven track record engaging with many of the hardest to reach individuals in society to build stronger, healthier, and more connected communities.

Conference Outline

Our conference offers an invaluable opportunity for commissioners, practitioners, and leaders from across public and mental health, criminal justice, social care, community and education services, and professionals from the private and third sector, to examine the impact of shared reading projects as a whole population approach in the context of national policies and strategies.

The morning, ‘Healthy People’, will focus on public health, mental health and dementia care; the afternoon, ‘Connected Communities’, will focus on criminal justice, education and young people, libraries, and our research. Come and hear about the practical ways in which TRO is making a difference in communities across the UK.

Tickets and registration

Tickets will be released in early March: £130 full day (including buffet lunch and afternoon tea) or £75 half day (including buffet lunch/afternoon tea) - 1/3 cheaper than last year!

If you would like to register your interest now, please email Lizzie Cain:

Further details will be available on our website.

1 thoughts on “The Reader Organisation’s Conference 2013

[…] to announce that a new open course will be running in the capital in May – just days before The Reader Organisation’s Conference 2013 takes place at the British Library Conference […]

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