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The Seal Cub Clubbing Club

Written by jen, 29th April 2009
The Seal Cub Clubbing Club

The Seal Cub Clubbing Club

The sun came out (eventually) for The Seal Cub Clubbing Club's album launch at Rockscape on Saturday afternoon, which was good news for the audience in this open-air amphitheatre. Before it began, I was stood outside, propping-up the blackboard advertising the event rallying some passers by to come in (fairly unsuccessful) but as soon as the band began playing, the place began to fill. Intrigue often gets the better of people and in this case, people were very obviously impressed. Many of them stayed for the whole afternoon to listen to the band's innovative surreal pop sound interspersed with some readings by lead singer Nik (that were accompanied wonderful sythnesised background music and gentle guitar strums) and by the special guest authors, Frank Cottrell Boyce (who read a fantastic short story about aliens, the Pope and the Bisto gravy advert jingle!), Ramsey Campbell and Zoe Lambert.

Frank Cottrell Boyce

Frank Cottrell Boyce

The Seal Cub Clubbing Club set out to create their own mini-festival of music and literature and succeded in their mission: it was a unique and eclectic event; the audience were relaxed, listening to the songs and readings, eating their picnincs and drinking beer; and in true festival style, there was even a spot of rain.

The amphitheatre festival goers

The amphitheatre festival goers

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