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Thriving in the 21st Century

Written by jen, 26th August 2009

Are you ready for the future? Do you want to find out how to thrive in an increasingly complex and uncertain world?

Arts About Manchester (AAM) and Mission Models Money (MMM) are working together to answer these questions and attempt to unearth what makes great leaders in the arts & cultural sector.

By completing this survey you are contributing vital information. Not only will you be participating in unique and ground-breaking research that will advance knowledge of the UK arts & cultural sector into wholly new territories, you will also be learning about yourself.

You can receive a free personalised report that compares your responses to others and suggests points to reflect upon. You may also benefit from being involved in further research to enhance your personal and professional development.

Please note all answers are confidential and will be analysed anonymously.


One of the primary goals in the Mission Models Money (MMM) programme is to help individuals and organisations in the arts & cultural sector become better equipped to thrive in an increasingly fast changing, complex and uncertain world.

The People Theme research seeks to understand the competencies, qualities and attributes needed, how they can be developed, and how contexts can be influenced to enable these competencies, qualities and attributes to flourish. This survey is one part of that research which will be published in late January 2010.

This survey will take a minimum of 20 minutes to complete. As it must be completed in one go, please make sure you allocate enough time. The deadline for completing the survey is 14th September 2009.

For more information about the People Theme research and the MMM programme visit

Thank you very much for your time.

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