Update from TRO South West #1
Our updates from The Reader Organisation's South West team continue with some words from Sally Sweeney, Project Manager in Cornwall:
I facilitate a group in a primary care mental health setting attended by men and women aged 45 to 80. Personal relationships and trust have developed quickly within the group - one man came to the group three days after the death of his wife and took great comfort and support from the other members.
The Memory Cafe group in the village of Lostwithiel is for people with memory loss and their carers. Following Moniza Alvi’s I Would Like To Be a Dot in a Painting by Miro, one member said:
"That poem describes me in my dementia. My poetry folder has pride of place at home."
I love the groups I run; the time spent reading together each week acts as rejuvenation for us all.
Have you thought of becoming a shared reading facilitator?
The next South West 3-day Read to Lead open training course is at Dartington, Monday 23rd January - Wednesday 25th January 2012, 9.30am -5.30pm. Ring Sarah Hopkins (SW) on 01364 653994 or Casi Dylan on 0151 207 7207/e-mail casidylan@thereader.org.uk for more information.
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