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Featured Poem: O Thou Whose Face Hath Felt the Winter’s Wind by John Keats

Written by Lisa Spurgin, 8th December 2014

The last week has seen a definite chill in the air, and no doubt the temperatures will drop even further as the month goes on. As we bundle up in extra layers to ward off the bite of the winter wind, enjoy this poem - a classic from our bank of poetry by John Keats - with some reassurances not just against the arctic colds.

O Thou Whose Face Hath Felt the Winter's Wind

O thou whose face hath felt the Winter's wind,
Whose eye has seen the snow-clouds hung in mist
And the black elm tops 'mong the freezing stars,
To thee the spring will be a harvest-time.

O thou, whose only book has been the light
Of supreme darkness which thou feddest on
Night after night when Phoebus was away,
To thee the Spring shall be a triple morn.

O fret not after knowledge- I have none,
And yet my song comes native with the warmth.
O fret not after knowledge- I have none,
And yet the Evening listens. He who saddens
At thought of idleness cannot be idle,
And he's awake who thinks himself asleep.

John Keats

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