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Featured Poem: What if you slept…by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Written by Lisa Spurgin, 25th March 2013

This week's Featured Poem may be particularly apt for you if you're feeling a bit hazy this Monday morning, or awoke from a night filled with visions of other worlds.

The eternal question of 'what if?' is addressed in this petite poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, one of the Romantics, but not in the mundane way it most typically arises for most of us in our everyday lives (what if you ended up catching the bus ten minutes earlier) - this deals with a far more ethereal and confusing conundrum. Whether the world described is a romantic scenario or something that altogether sets you on edge is a matter of interpretation. In just a few lines Coleridge produces all kinds of questions, crossing the divide between dreaming and reality, heaven and earth, and many realms between.

But the real question is: what would you do if it happened to you? Here's to sweet dreams ahead (and to seeing strange and beautiful flowers amongst the snow...)

What if you slept...

What if you slept
And what if
In your sleep
You dreamed
And what if
In your dream
You went to heaven
And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower
And what if
When you awoke
You had that flower in you hand
Ah, what then?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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