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National Poetry Day – Rebecca Goss at Bebington Central Library

Written by The Reader, 27th September 2012

If you're unable to make it down to London on National Poetry Day for the Poems By Heart evening, in aid of The Reader Organisation's Apprenticeship Programme, then there's no need to be too disappointed as there's another wonderful poetry event taking place on the big day.

Poet Rebecca Goss will be appearing at Bebington Central Library at 2.30pm on Thursday 4th October to read, talk about the challenges of writing very different types of poetry and answer questions.

Rebecca will be reading selections from her first collection, The Anatomy of Structures, was published in 2010, as well as from her upcoming autobiographical collection, Her Birth, which deals with the death of her baby daughter in 2008. The moving title poem is featured in 'The Poet on Her Work' in Issue 47 of The Reader, and Rebecca will be reading other excerpts from the collection, which looks closely at issues of loss and the workings of a bereaved mother's mind, at this special event, which has free admission.

National Poetry Day with Rebecca Goss at Bebington Central Library
Thursday 4th October 2012, 2.30pm
Bebington Central Library, Civic Way, Bebington CH63 7PN

For more information about the event, contact Bebington Central Library by e-mailing or calling  0151 643 7219 . 

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