New Beginnings discounted booking offer ends Monday 30th November
New Beginnings: Get Into Reading Conference, Friday Night Supper and Readers’ Day
8th – 9th January 2010, Blackburne House, Liverpool
Discounted Booking Offer for New Beginnings ends Monday 30th November
You can attend the whole New Beginnings experience (Conference, Supper and Readers’ Day) for only £100! Click here to book. Only a few days left to book for the New Beginnings Conference at this special advanced rate so be a savvy saver and book now!
The Reader Organisation, working in partnership with the University of Liverpool, NHS Wirral, Mersey Care NHS Trust and Liverpool PCT, is planning New Beginnings, our first national Get Into Reading Conference (8th Jan), which will share findings and best practice from our innovative reader development and social outreach programme, Get Into Reading. The Readers' Day (9th Jan) will include a series of creative and inspiring workshops as well as panel discussions and reading recommendations.
Confirmed speakers for New Beginnings include:
Susan Blishen (Mental Health Foundation),
Dr Jane Davis (Founder and Director of The Reader Organisation)
Kathy Doran (Chief Executive, NHS Wirral)
Dr David Fearnley (RCPysch Psychiatrist of the Year; Medical Director and Deputy Chief of Mersey Care NHS Trust)
Brian Keenan (author)
Blake Morrison (author, journalist and Chair of The Reader Organisation)
Tim Pears (author)
Roger Phillips (BBC Radio Merseyside)
Stuart Smith (Executive Director Children’s Services, Liverpool City Council)
Alan Yates (Chief Executive, Mersey Care NHS Trust).
A list of workshops for the conference is now available: click here to see details.
You can purchase tickets: through PayPal via our website (; you can send us a cheque (made payable to The Reader Organisation and sent to Claire Speer, Conference Administrator, The Reader Organisation, 19 Abercromby Square, Liverpool, L69 7ZG); or pay via BACS (please register with Claire Speer – details below – and use a fist initial and surname as reference). We will be able to point you to a range of local hotels and B&Bs.
For more information, please contact Claire Speer, Conference Administrator:, or call 0151 794 2830.
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