The Reader magazine: Issue 60 now available
Issue 60 of The Reader magazine is now available to buy from The Reader’s website at £6.95 or as part of an annual subscription.
Published quarterly since 1997, The Reader is the only magazine that offers the whole literary mix: new fiction and poetry, classic and neglected works, interviews with leading figures in the world of the arts, thought-pieces, advice for reading groups, research into reading and news from the world of books.
The Reader offers great writing wherever we can find it, presenting big names and new voices side by side. Highlights from Issue 60 include:
- Interview with comedy writers Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris on their new series of Ladybird books for grown-ups, including The Ladybird Book of Sheds and The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis
- Essay from Charlie Darby-Villis of The Reader charity, on reading poetry in a high security prison, with a response from acclaimed poet David Constantine
- Extract from The Black Mirror, Raymond Tallis’ new book where he seeks to gain perspective on life now from the imagined vantage of his future death.
Recent issues have included Blake Morrison, Imtiaz Dharker, Bill Bailey and Ken Loach, as well as great writing from the past, from George Herbert to Katherine Mansfield. The magazine also features regular contributions from Ian McMillan, Brian Nellist, Enid Stubin and Director & Founder of The Reader charity, Jane Davis. “The Reader is one of the best things to thump through the letter box. . . . Full of pithy, passionate and precise things.” - Seamus Heaney “Just what real readers need – good writing and good thinking about writing and reading.” - A. S. Byatt
The easiest and cheapest way to receive The Reader is to set up a personal or institutional subscription using Direct Debit. Visit to download a subscription form and order past copies.
The Reader also accepts submissions of poetry, short fiction, general articles and reviews and encourages published and non-published writers to send in their work. Visit for more details on how to submit.
About The Reader
The Reader is a charity that addresses social isolation and breaks down barriers to enjoying literature through Shared Reading, making reading a communal and accessible activity. Every week in commissioned projects across the UK, we’re running Shared Reading groups in a wide range of health, criminal justice and education settings including care homes, libraries, schools, prisons, mental health wards and community centres. We read stories and poems aloud and invite people to share their personal responses in the group, building a supportive network for group members. Individual and social outcomes are significant: in a community project funded by Liverpool CCG, 49% of reading group participants say they now visit the GP less frequently thanks to the groups.
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