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The Storybarn selects… from The Reader Bookshelf
To celebrate the launch of the new Reader Bookshelf we've asked members of our Children & Young People Team to…

Introducing The Reader Bookshelf 2022 – 23: Light and Darkness
We’re delighted to announce this year’s Reader Bookshelf theme of Light and Darkness, as well as sharing with you some…

The Storybarn selects… from The Reader Bookshelf
As part of our ongoing work exploring texts from The Reader Bookshelf, we've asked members of our Children & Young People…

From The Reader Bookshelf… The Vintage Book of African-American Poetry
As part of our ongoing work around The Reader Bookshelf, we've asked staff to share their thoughts about some of the…

From The Reader Bookshelf… A Leg to Stand On by Oliver Sacks
As part of our ongoing work around The Reader Bookshelf, we've asked staff to share their thoughts about some of the…

From The Reader Bookshelf… Shakespeare’s Sonnets
As part of our ongoing work around The Reader Bookshelf, we've asked staff to share their thoughts about some of the…

From The Reader Bookshelf… A Portable Paradise by Roger Robinson
As part of our ongoing work around The Reader Bookshelf, we've asked staff to share their thoughts about some of the…

From The Reader Bookshelf… Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
As part of our ongoing work around The Reader Bookshelf, we've asked staff to share their thoughts about some of the…

From The Reader Bookshelf… The Epic of Gilgamesh
As part of our ongoing work around The Reader Bookshelf, we've asked staff to share their thoughts about some of…