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War and Peace: An Anthology of Somali Literature

Written by Chris Routledge, 25th June 2009

War and Peace: an Anthology of Somali Literature is a unique and rare collection of classic Somali poems and stories exploring matters of conflict and its mediation. The work has been collected by Ismaaciil Aw Aadan and Axmed Aw Geeddi: poets who have an enormous understanding of Somali classical poets, their poetry, and the historical context of their literature which spans over 200 years.

The collection explains how pastoral nomadic communities were brought into conflict, and explores the role which literature can play in matters of peace-keeping: providing both Somali and non-Somali readers with a fascinating insight into the history of a creative community which may have otherwise been lost.

The anthology will be launched at the Mooge Festival and Hargeysa International Book Fair, and can now be ordered from Red Sea Online.

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