Writing on the Wall Festival Celebrates Liverpool’s Radical Reputation
3rd May – 28th May
Liverpool’s annual Writing on the Wall Festival, perhaps better known as WOW, returns in May, taking the city’s radical reputation as its theme. The festival, which runs from 3rd – 28th May, brings together artists, writers, musicians and historians to celebrate writing, tolerance, storytelling and diversity. This year’s highlights include the return of Pulp Idol, WOW’s unique writing competition for budding novelists, and Rioting on the Wall, an all day and night commemoration of the Toxteth Riots of 1981, which will include a photography exhibition, a discussion of the significance of the 1981 events today, and afternoon coffee with Bonnie Greer. As part of this celebration of radicalism, WOW has also launched its own Little Red Book Clubs, which have been reading Robert Tressell’s “The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist” throughout April.
With the re-emergence of radicalism, seemingly worldwide, with revolutions in the Middle East and rioting in the streets, there has never been a better time to discuss, debate and even rant about radicalism. Why not get involved with WOW this year and make sure your voice is heard?
Visit WOW's website for full programme listings for this year's festival and to find out more about how you can get involved.
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