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New Course: Brian Nellist’s ‘Helpers and Carers’

Written by The Reader, 17th April 2012

Mondays 10.30am-12.30pm, beginning 14th May.

The Lauries Centre, Birkenhead, Merseyside.

Six weeks of stories by great tellers of tales about different kinds of help, Sarah Jewett, Kipling, Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, William Trevor and Graham Swift. The dilemma of caring is that it’s often the helper that becomes dependent. Come and read some stories together, no work needed in advance and copies will be provided.

The six week course starts on Monday 14th May at 10 30am in The Lauries Community Centre in Birkenhead. All funds go to The Reader Organisation, so you’ll also be supporting the organisation - giving help and caring in fact!

The cost of the course starts at £40[full price] and £30 for pensioners or students. Get into Reading members will get a reduced rate of £25, and those on income support £15.

 To book your place, email or call 0151 650 5466 or 07807 106859.

1 thoughts on “New Course: Brian Nellist’s ‘Helpers and Carers’

loubyjo says:

I STARTED reading thinking (wrongly) that this looks interesting but would prob be to expensive but good to see that you are doing sliding scale depending on peoples circumstances !! to have a good group you need a good mixture of people otherwise gets staid (posh word for a girl from rock ferry !!!
thanks !

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