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Reading With Children is Magic!

Written by The Reader, 3rd August 2012

Here at The Reader Organisation we are familiar with the powerful, and sometimes spell-binding effect that reading aloud with other people can produce. Reading with young people in particular can sometimes seem to be a magical process, sending sparks through imaginations in a way that nothing else can. At least, that's what one of our Young Person's Project Workers believes, as she articulates beautifully in this bewitching blog post that appeared on the website of national charity Booktrust this week.

This story is the perfect testimony to why A Little, Aloud for Children exists: to capture and to inspire moments like those that Anna shares witht he children she reads with. Reading aloud with children helps them to feel that books are something to be shared, and enjoyed, with other people; to read with a child is not just to pass-on a skill, but to give them memories that will last for a lifetime. Thanks Anna, for such an enchanting piece of writing!

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