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Upcoming Open Read To Lead Courses

Written by The Reader, 19th January 2012

A New Year is well underway - and a new programme of Read To Lead Core Training courses is lined up to bring the Reading Revolution into 2012.

Over the next couple of months, open Read To Lead courses will be coming to Northern Ireland, Barnsley and London - any individual is eligible to sign up and take part. So if you want to share the joys of shared reading in your community or perhaps if your New Year's resolution is to do something different to make a difference then being part of Read To Lead and becoming a trained shared reading facilitator is  for you.

And if you want to celebrate Dickens' bicentenary in unique but what would surely be Dickens-approved style, there could be no better way to do so than to embark on a  Read To Lead course. We could all take a tip from the young David Copperfield:

This was my only and my constant comfort. When I think of it, the picture always arises in my mind of a summer evening, the boys at play in the churchyard, and I sitting on my bed, reading as if for life.

On a Read To Lead course you'll find that reading is indeed for life and full of life.

Read To Lead Northern Ireland
Holywood Library, BT18 9AE
3rd, 10th, 17th February; 10am-4pm
(This course takes place over Dickens' bicentenary, so there may just be some Dickens on offer to read...!)

Read To Lead Barnsley
Barnsley Digital Media Centre, S70 2JW
8th, 15th, 22nd February; 10am-4pm

Read To Lead London
Central Venue TBC
12th, 19th, 26th March; 10am-4pm 

For more information on any of these courses, please contact Jessica Reeves on 0151 207 7221/ or Casi Dylan on 0141 357 1738/ . You can also download a booking form in Word or PDF formats.

1 thoughts on “Upcoming Open Read To Lead Courses

[…] be taking Read To Lead to Northern Ireland very soon, as part of a new schedule of Open Courses for 2012 (if you’re in Northern Ireland and are interested in training to become a shared reading […]

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