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Anna Lawrence Pietroni to appear at Shared Reading Practitioner Day

Written by Lisa Spurgin, 4th April 2013

Anna Lawrence Pietroni (2)The Reader Organisation's first Shared Reading Practitioner Day, 'Speaking Our Own Language' is in just over two weeks time, and we're delighted to announce a new special guest speaker at the event.

Anna Lawrence Pietroni, author of Ruby's Spoon and patron of The Reader Organisation, will be appearing at Liverpool Hope University's Creative Campus on Saturday 20th April. As the day marks The Reader Organisation's commitment to fostering and developing quality in the field of shared reading, Anna, who has previously worked as a prison governor, will be discussing what she believes makes a 'quality' relationship between a writer and their readers.

Anna will be joining a bill full of engaging, literary-minded speakers, including Angela Macmillan, Professor Phil Davis and Dr Josie Billington from the Centre of Research into Reading, Information and Linguistic Systems (CRILS) at the University of Liverpool and Brian Nellist MBE.

If you've completed Read to Lead, why not come along to refresh your literary thinking and doing, tune into the latest developments in shared reading practice, and meet others from around the country at this unique event?

Tickets can be booked now from our website, via booking form and credit card. If you have any queries about how to book, contact our event adminstrator Sophie Johnson who is happy to help: or call 07973 247890

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