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Tall Tales for Little Children

Written by The Reader, 28th August 2012

A Little, Aloud for Children has become a radio star in its own right over the past 2 weeks, as BBC Radio Merseyside has provided numerous slots on their airwaves for the book to make an appearance.

All of these guest appearances have been a part of the promotion for the event 'Tall Tales for Little Children', which The Reader Organisation is running in association with Up For Arts at the BBC Radio Merseyside studios.

Here are just two of our starring radio roles from the past week:

  1. Anna Fleming, a young person's project worker, appears on Breakfast with Lee Bennion (at 1 hour 50 mins in), accompanied by Sophie and Ariadne - two of the young people from Merseyside she reads with every week.
  2. Myself and two of the Graphic Arts students from Liverpool John Moores University who provided illustrations for the book - Rheannon Ormond and Carolina Feng Chen - appeared on air yesterday for an interview with Roger Lyon on his early morning show (at 2 hours 25).

This Thursday, 30th August, TRO will take-over the performance space at the Hanover Street studio for a fantastic family-friendly event involving shared readings from A Little, Aloud for Children, and the chance to get involved in some creative, fun (and potentially messy!) crafts and activities. Tall Tales for Little Children will run from 2-4pm, and you can book a place by calling Radio Merseyside's A-Team on 0151 794 0984.  All children attending must be between the ages of 6-10, and be accompanied by an adult.

For more information, get in touch with Charlotte:

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